About us

They are niche brands that I had the opportunity to discover during my travels in the Land of the Rising Sun and having appreciated them first as a user, I enthusiastically decided to have them arrive in Italy to distribute them through a network of selected retailers.
The leitmotif that unites the products is the holistic approach or personal care to take care of one's being, as there is no boundary between external beauty and internal well-being.
To pursue this, the jbeauty products that I have selected have as key elements natural and organic ingredients that have been used in wellness rituals for centuries.
Parlano di noi
La nostra missione

The trend of the moment is increasingly turning towards conscious skincare, which not only takes into account what Nature has to offer us but which also represents a condition of meeting between mind and body, for a state of global well-being, according to a more holistic approach and integrated. This trend loudly calls for the principles of J-Beauty, the world of Japanese beauty. Long and solid tradition behind it which however does not disdain technological innovation but always in the name of the essential, of discretion, of "less is more", for a simple beauty, without fuss, supported by few but targeted products and techniques of application which, due to their effectiveness, already do half the work.
We wanted to combine the concept of Jbeauty with the aesthetics of shibui and for this purpose we have selected cosmetic brands that best reflect both the 7 canons of shibui and the fundamentals of Jbeauty, to distribute them through a network of retailers who share this research with us, reaching a demanding clientele, looking for unique products for effective, pure and sensorial care of their skin.
Our selection of Japanese clean beauty and skincare products offers high-quality performance, ease of use and noticeable results. Tradition and innovation to treat the outside while taking care of the inside.

Abbiamo voluto unire il concetto di Jbeauty con l’estetica dello shibui e per questo fine abbiamo selezionato brands cosmetici che meglio rispecchino sia i 7 canoni dello shibui che i fondamenti della Jbeauty, per distribuirli attraverso una rete di rivenditori che condividano con noi questa ricerca, arrivando ad una clientela esigente, alla ricerca di prodotti unici per una cura efficace, pura e sensoriale della propria pelle.
La nostra selezione di prodotti di clean beauty e skincare giapponese offre prestazioni di alta qualità, facilità d'uso e risultati evidenti. Tradizione e innovazione per trattare l’esterno curando l’interno.